Food Habits: Always eat Right

Malnutrition is the biggest problem which need to be addressed immediately.

As per the health stats of Andhra Pradesh 31% of children below 5 years are stunted and 32% are underweight.60% women of reproductive age group are anaemic.

The health of mother and the child shows the overall health of a state.

A mother who is anaemic is more likely to deliver low weight birth of the child and child also remain to become anaemic.

All children below 6 years of age, pregnant women and lactating mothers are eligible for availing of supplementary food services under the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) which is funded by both Central and State government. 

This problem is not about only this state, its quite common all over the world due to lack of facilities, poor financial conditions, or due to a hectic lifestyle.

We all are aware that “Health is Wealth”. It’s our responsibility to raise ourselves and our future generation healthy.

Do build a good health lifestyle by small steps in your daily routine.

Food which helps you get a proper nutrition are:

  • Plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • Plenty of starchy foods like rice, potatoes, bread and pasta
  • Some milk and dairy food or non-dairy alternatives
  • Some sources of protein such as meat, fish, eggs and beans

These foods help in improving your overall health.

Green leafy vegetables are like Amrit for your balanced diet.

Also, there are some other reasons for your poor health like swallowing food, no proper timings, either less or more quantity.

Lets’ take a initiative to build a healthy Lifestyle just by adding these to your daily meals and I’m sure we will have a healthy world very soon.

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