Canada : Streamlining PGWP and Work Permit Extension in Canada

Canada work Permit Extension and PGWP progresses

Canada has introduced a new strategy to tackle the significant backlog and expedite the processing of post-graduation work permits (PGWPs) and work permit extensions. Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is expanding its utilization of automation technology to improve the efficiency of handling these applications.

These automated systems will evaluate applications based on their complexity, leading to faster decisions for certain applicants. The IRCC emphasized that these automated tools undergo regular assessments to ensure they function correctly and align with applications that are still subject to human review.

Canada Immigration Issues

It’s important to note that only an IRCC officer retains the authority to either approve or reject an application; the automated tools lack the capability to make refusals or recommend them. The IRCC has stressed its dedication to the responsible development and deployment of data-driven technologies, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and safeguarding human rights.

As part of this commitment, and in accordance with the Canada Treasury Board Directive on Automated Decision-Making, an algorithmic impact assessment (AIA) has been carried out to assess the tools utilized for processing work permit extensions and PGWP applications, as outlined in the statement.

The AIA has categorized the level of impact by these systems as moderate, and several measures have been put in place to mitigate potential risks. These measures encompass evaluations to detect any potential discriminatory effects, the incorporation of privacy and security aspects into the tool’s design, and granting officers the authority to override decisions made by the tool when necessary.

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