Road to Prosperity: India-Thailand Highway via Myanmar

The Tri-State Connection: Kolkata to Bangkok Highway

In a remarkable breakthrough, plans for a tri-state motorway linking Kolkata to Bangkok via Myanmar have been presented. The ambitious project, slated to be finished over the next three to four years, seeks to develop deeper commercial connections and boost connectivity between India, Myanmar, and Thailand. The announcement was made at a prominent business summit convened by the Indian Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of External Affairs, when crucial details of the project were unveiled.

The roadway, covering an amazing length of 2800 km, is part of the BIMSTEC. This four-lane road will go via Sukhothai in Thailand, Myei Sot, Yangon, Mandalay, Kalewa, and Tamu in Myanmar, before reaching the Indian towns of Kohima, Guwahati, Srirampur, Siliguri, and lastly, Kolkata, commencing from Moreh, a border hamlet in Manipur.

The fundamental purpose of this transformational project is to increase economic links and promote cooperation in different areas like commerce, business, healthcare, education, and tourism among the participating countries. While the bulk of the route will cross through India, just a tiny part will pass through Thailand. Encouragingly, reports indicate that the road works in Thailand, relevant to the highway, are approaching completion. As the highway is predicted to be operational shortly, it is set to become a vital international transportation route, increasing Asia’s connectedness.

The notion of a tri-national highway was originally envisaged at a ministerial conference in Yangon back in April 2002, presented by the previous Prime Minister of India, AB Vajpayee. Since then, the project has gathered pace, producing a feeling of enthusiasm and expectation among government officials, companies, and individuals alike.

Once the highway is completely operational, it is intended to greatly increase regional commerce, allow smooth movement of products and people, and serve as a symbol of stronger diplomatic ties among these three states. Additionally, it is intended to uncover new paths for economic development, offer job possibilities, and foster cultural interactions.

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