Accessible Healthcare for Non-Residents in Bahrain

Bahrain Introduces Hakeem Scheme for NRI Health Insurance

Discussions regarding a pioneering health insurance policy for non-residents in Bahrain are ongoing, with ambitions to begin the initiative by September. The Supreme Council for Health has indicated that continuing conversations with insurance firms are centred on establishing the rate for this new programme.

Dubbed the Hakeem programme, the comprehensive project is intended to be completely executed by the end of 2024. It will consist of two unique programs, one of which is required for expatriate employees, while the other is earmarked for individuals in extreme need.

Under the obligatory health insurance scheme, employers or sponsors will carry the financial burden. By registering in this system, employees within particular age ranges will get access to basic medical services, including emergency care. The provision of specialist medical care when required is also being explored, however pregnancy and cosmetic surgeries will not be authorised under this category.

In addition, the optional programme will require employees to separately enrol for private insurance coverage. All programmes are part of the government’s National Insurance Programme, Sehati, which strives to offer healthcare services to residents, immigrants, and visitors equally.

The establishment of the Hakeem plan signals a big stride forward in guaranteeing comprehensive and accessible healthcare access for NRI’s in Bahrain. By addressing the special requirements of expatriate employees and extending a choice of insurance to all non-residents, the government is establishing itself as a leader in healthcare offerings within the Gulf region.

With the inauguration of this unique health insurance programme, Bahrain is not only emphasising the well-being of its people but also inviting NRI’s into a healthcare ecosystem that supports affordability, accessibility, and quality in medical treatment. As the September deadline approaches, expectation increases for the upcoming reform of healthcare services in Bahrain.


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