Indian Students Win Mundus Scholarship

Indian Students get Fully Paid Higher Education In Europe

In a record-breaking annual selection of Indian students, a total of 174 individuals, with over 50 percent of them being women, have been granted the esteemed Erasmus Mundus scholarships for the upcoming academic year of 2023-24.

This scholarship program, fully funded by the European Union, provides selected students with the opportunity to pursue their studies and engage in research at a minimum of two universities located in different European countries, leading to the attainment of a joint, double, or multiple degree.

To commemorate this significant achievement, the European Union delegation in India hosted an event for the departing Indian students. In 2022, 161 Indian Students were benefitted with the scholarship.

HE Seppo Nurmi, Charge d’ Affaires of the EU delegation to India and Bhutan, expressed that the Erasmus+ program not only provides students with exceptional educational opportunities and professional growth but also enables them to immerse themselves in diverse European cultures.

He extended his well wishes to all the students, hoping they embark on a rewarding journey. From India the highest number of scholarship awardees were from Uttar Pradesh. France to be the leading country for hosting students in total tally. Globally, the program has granted scholarships to 2,835 students from 143 different countries.

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