Bhutans Tourism Push : Lowering Airfares for Travelers

Bhutan Travel to become Cheap

Bhutans Tourism Push : To promote tourism, Bhutan intends to decrease the high airfares that deter visitors, as reported by Bhutan Live. The country’s Finance Minister expects this move to attract more travellers and boost visitor numbers.

Additionally, Bhutan plans to allow budget-friendly accommodations and implement extended-stay incentive programs, all part of government efforts to entice travellers through potential price reductions.

The government, in collaboration with Drukair Corporation and Bhutan Airlines, is working on lowering airfares for tourists, responding to complaints about high costs, according to Finance Minister Namgay Tshering, as reported by Bhutan Live.

Bhutans Tourism Push Travel Rates

Also, the government has introduced several incentives, including reducing the Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) from USD 200 to USD 100 per person per night.

However, some lawmakers argue that frequent changes in the SDF policy may not be the most effective approach to promoting the tourism sector. The government has implemented initiatives to encourage tourists to extend their stay in Bhutan.

Under the new regulations, tourists who pay the daily fees for four days can enjoy an additional four days, while those paying for 12 days can stay for a whole month, as reported by Reuters.

It’s important to note that these special offers are exclusively applicable to tourists making payments in U.S. dollars, limiting the benefits to a larger global audience, excluding many, including most Indians.

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