US Rising Student Attacks Arise Safety Concerns

US Student Deaths Alarming Safety

US Rising: Amid a surge in attacks targeting Indian students in the US, many prospective students for higher education are prioritizing safety when selecting colleges this year, according to admission consultants.

Concerns about safety have led parents to inquire about the safety of specific states and regions, alongside the reputation of institutes and courses. Adarsh Khandelwal, CEO of Collegify, noted that some parents, particularly those with daughters, are reconsidering sending their children to the US.

US Rising Student

The apprehension is especially prevalent among parents of undergraduates, as many students will be living away from home for the first time. Reports of violent incidents involving Indian students in cities like Chicago and Indiana have heightened this concern.

Students and parents are gravitating towards larger cities or areas perceived as safer, even if it means choosing a different college than originally preferred. For example, a Mumbai student’s parents opted for New York University over the University of Chicago following an attack on an Indian student in the latter city.

In response to these worries, admissions consulting firms are providing safety guidelines for students. Institutes have been conducting workshops and awareness sessions to educate students on safety measures.

The focus on safety underscores the need for students to prioritize their well-being while pursuing education abroad. As Indian students navigate their options, safety considerations are becoming increasingly integral to their decision-making process.

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