UK Student Visa Restrictions

UK Latest Implications on Student Visa

UK Student : The UK government’s recent tightening of student visa regulations has resulted in a significant decline in the number of dependents, such as spouses and children, accompanying international students.

According to a Home Office report, the first quarter of 2023 saw an significant drop in dependents, alongside a reduction of over 26K student visa applications.

This trend has notably affected Indian students, who have been the largest group of international students in the UK in recent years.

UK Student Visa…

The new visa rules, implemented in January, prohibit most international students from bringing family members unless enrolled in research programs.

Furthermore, students are now required to complete their courses before being eligible to switch their visa status, a measure aimed at preventing the misuse of student visas as a means to gain employment in the UK.

The government is also reviewing the Graduate Route, which currently allows international students to work and gain experience in the UK for up to two years post-graduation.

Expected restrictions on this route could further discourage international students, particularly from India, from applying to UK universities, considering they have been the predominant users of this visa since its inception in 2021.

As the Sunak-led government gears up for a general election later this year, reducing both legal and illegal migration has become a key priority.

These changes to student visa regulations reflect a broader strategy to control immigration levels and respond to public concerns about migration.

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