Long-Awaited Relief: Family Visas to Restart in Kuwait for Expats

Breaking News: Family Visas Set to Return in Kuwait

The Ministry of Home Affairs has just given authorization to restart the granting of family visas, raising optimism among expats in Kuwait. The long-awaited conversation regarding the restoration of family visas has gained steam, providing solace to many families who have been separated for months owing to the epidemic and related visa restrictions.

Family visas were originally halted in the aftermath of the early COVID-19 epidemic, and it was only in November 2021 that visa distribution began after a pause of one and a half years. However, these aspirations were crushed in June when the issuing of new family visas was once again suspended, putting families, mainly Indian nationals, in anguish.

According to regional media source Al Rai, the Ministry of Home Affairs is preparing to offer additional visas exclusively for persons working in the sports, cultural, and social sectors. Although no official confirmation has been issued, indications suggest that the initial round of visa issuance would prioritize giving visas to spouses and children of qualified expats.

This favourable news is likely to offer much-needed relief to the enormous number of Indians who have been eagerly waiting to bring their families to Kuwait. The new visa category, known as “Kudum,” would appeal to expats with fixed incomes who maintain permanent residence in the state. While the specific details are yet to be published, rumours indicate that the Ministry is also contemplating boosting the salary of visa grantors and resolving housing difficulties to further enhance the living circumstances of expats.

As the expectation rises, families throughout Kuwait anxiously await the official news about the restoration of family visas. This progressive move will not only reunite loved ones but also generate a feeling of security and contentment among the expatriate community.

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