Indian Students Express Job Concerns in Canada

Job Crisis for Indian Students in Canada

Indian Students : With strained India-Canada relations following allegations by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Indian students in Canada face another significant challenge: a lack of job opportunities.

In 2022, Canada saw a substantial influx of Indian students, with 226,450 arriving for higher education, making India the leading source of new international students in the country.

Data from the global education search platform Erudera reveals that the total international student population in Canada, encompassing various education levels, stands at 807K with 551K individuals having obtained study permits in Canada last year.

Indian Students Concern

Erudera’s data confirms that in 2022, India held the highest number of study permit holders in Canada, with 226K Indian students. However, the focus now shifts to the concerns of Indian students about their future, particularly job prospects.

The exorbitant cost of living in and around cities like Toronto in Canada is posing a significant challenge for students. Many students are forced to live in cramped accommodations to cut down on expenses related to rent and utilities.

Meanwhile, India and Canada find themselves in a diplomatic dispute, triggered by allegations made by Trudeau in the Canadian Parliament last month.

Arindam Bagchi, spokesperson for the External Affairs Ministry, has mentioned that discussions are underway to determine the details of establishing mutual diplomatic representation. It is evident that India remains firm in its stance and is not inclined to reconsider its position on the matter.

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