In the bustling streets of Los Angeles, under the warm glow of the California sun, lies the captivating world of Rajiv Dhall, a multifaceted Desi-American musician breaking barriers and captivating hearts across the globe. With over 1 million subscribers and 137 million views on YouTube, Rajiv’s journey is nothing short of inspiring.
Rajiv Dhall’s Early Beginnings
Born in 1992 in Cincinnati, Ohio, Rajiv Dhall embodies the fusion of two diverse cultures, being the son of a Punjabi Indian-origin father and a Caucasian mother. Growing up amidst a blend of traditions, Rajiv’s childhood was a tapestry of experiences, shaping his unique perspective on life and music.
Rajiv Dhall’s Musical Odyssey
Rajiv’s musical journey traces back to his high school days when he co-founded the emo-pop band TwentyForSeven. The band gained traction after appearing on E’s “Opening Act” competition, where they secured the opportunity to open for Gym Class Heroes. However, it was Rajiv’s solo endeavors that truly set his career ablaze.
Venturing into the realm of YouTube, Rajiv’s soulful covers and original compositions resonated with audiences worldwide. His rendition of One Direction’s “Just Can’t Let Her Go” soared into the Top 200 of the iTunes songs chart, marking a significant milestone in his career.
Challenges and Triumphs
Despite his undeniable talent, Rajiv faced challenges as a Desi-American artist navigating the music industry’s landscape. Confronting stereotypes and misconceptions, he stood tall, embracing his heritage and refusing to conform to preconceived notions.
“I used to feel like I had to downplay my Indian culture because of people’s ignorance,” Rajiv reflects. “But now, I feel embraced by the Indian community, inspiring young Desi kids to embrace their roots.”
The Inspiration Behind “Happier”
Rajiv’s latest release, “Happier,” delves into the complexities of adulthood and the pursuit of happiness. Born from personal experiences and late-night introspections, the song captures the essence of navigating life’s uncertainties.
“‘Happier’ is about the disillusion of growing up and the struggles of being in the creative industry,” Rajiv shares. “I wanted to convey raw emotions without sugarcoating reality.”
Embracing Creativity and Connection
Beyond his music, Rajiv Dhall finds solace in laughter and connection. From binge-watching comedy classics like “The Office” to following social media icons like John Mayer and Justin Bieber, he cherishes moments of lightheartedness amidst the whirlwind of creativity.