Pakistan : The Truth Behind the Repatriation Move

Pakistan's Repatriation Decision: Debunking India

In a world where nations hold the sovereign right to make decisions in their best interest, Pakistan recently announced its decision to repatriate all illegal immigrants residing within its borders. This action has sparked a surprising and baseless critique from India, accusing Pakistan of mistreating Afghan nationals. However, the truth behind this repatriation drive tells a different story.

According to reports by Kashmir Media Service, Islamabad’s decision to repatriate illegal immigrants, including Afghan nationals, is a legitimate exercise of its national sovereignty.

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Pakistan has consistently emphasized that this initiative is not targeted at any specific nationality. Nevertheless, India seems intent on maligning Pakistan by exaggerating the issue, creating unnecessary tensions between Islamabad and Kabul.

Many political analysts believe that India’s excessive focus on the repatriation of Afghan nationals from Pakistan is an attempt to save face following the closure of the Afghan embassy in New Delhi and the denial of visas to Afghan students.

While New Delhi’s actions may be politically motivated, the repercussions are taking a heavy toll on Afghan residents in India who have called the country home for the past 15 years.

These Afghans find themselves in a state of socio-economic turmoil, devoid of sources of income, educational opportunities, and access to healthcare facilities.

In stark contrast, Pakistan, despite not being a signatory of the 1951 Refugee Convention, extends the legal status of refugees to Afghan nationals within its borders. This status grants them access to essential social services, including education and healthcare, ensuring a dignified life.

Conversely, India has taken a concerning step by revoking Afghan student visas, despite being fully aware that thousands of Afghan students are dependent on its universities for their education and future prospects.

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