Immigration to Canada : Major Upsurge in Spousal Sponsorship – May 2023 Sees a 44.3% Rise

Strengthening Family Bonds and Enriching Canada's Cultural Mosaic

Immigration to Canada : According to the latest data from Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), the country experienced a significant upswing in Spousal Sponsorship Immigration in May 2023. After a three-month decline, the program saw a remarkable rise of approximately 44.3%, indicating a promising bounce back for the initiative. The Canadian Spousal Sponsorship Program began the year on a high note, with over 10,000 spouses and common-law partners arriving in the country. However, the numbers dipped to just under 5,000 in April 2023. May brought a resurgence, as 7,200 new permanent residents settled in Canada under the program, marking an increase of 2,210 compared to the prior month.

The Great Comeback of Spousal Sponsorship Immigration

The resurgence in Spousal Sponsorship Immigration comes as excellent news for the country. With the program being a vital pillar of Canada’s immigration system, the sharp increase in May 2023 indicates a strong revival after a brief setback. The recent numbers are setting new records for the program and showing promise for surpassing the IRCC immigration levels plan for 2023 to 2025, which aims to welcome 78,000 newcomers under spousal sponsorships in 2023.

Ontario Leads the Way

Among the provinces, Ontario takes the lead, with a significant number of arrivals under the Spousal Immigration Program. In the first five months of 2023 alone, Ontario saw 13,950 spouses making the province their new home. The attraction of Ontario, with its diverse cities and strong job market, has been a magnet for many couples seeking to start a new chapter in Canada.

Impact on Other Provinces

While Ontario takes the lion’s share of spousal sponsorships, other provinces have also seen noteworthy numbers of new permanent residents under the Canadian Spousal Sponsorship Program. British Columbia, Alberta, and Quebec are among the provinces that have seen an increase in newcomers, further highlighting the importance and popularity of family reunification through the program.

Immigration to Canada Surpassing Expectations

With the resurgence in May 2023, Canada is on track to exceed its immigration target for the Spousal Sponsorship Immigration Program. The initial goal of 78,000 newcomers is likely to be surpassed, and the country may potentially welcome over 90,000 spouses and common-law partners through this program. This development speaks volumes about Canada’s attractiveness as a destination for family reunification and highlights the government’s commitment to uniting families.

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