Canada Facilitates Work Permit Processing

Canada Extends Processing of Work Permits

Canada Facilitates : Canada announced a measure to process work permits for certain H-1B visa holders who had applied under the pilot program before the cap was reached, clarifying internal processing procedures.

However, it’s important to note that this policy doesn’t extend invitations for new principal applicants at this time, clarified Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Canada Facilitates…

Effective September 27, previous year, a temporary public policy was launched by IRCC to facilitate specific applications received under the H-1B open work permit measure initiated on July 16 last year.

Additionally, this policy entails exempting minor children of H-1B holders, who previously applied for a work permit under the initial measure, from study permit processing fees if they plan to apply for a study permit.

While physical study permits aren’t mandatory for minors to study in Canada, this waiver addresses challenges faced by some H-1B applicants in the application process for their minor children.

Guidelines for family members of primary applicants on how to apply under the new policy and criteria to qualify for study permit fee waivers can be found on the IRCC website.

Attracting experts in STEM fields and other highly skilled professions to Canada aligns with the government’s goals to address labour market shortages and skills gaps, reaffirming Canada’s commitment to being a global leader in attracting foreign talent.

Successful applicants will be granted an open work permit valid for up to three years, allowing them to work for almost any employer across Canada.

Also Read:Canada’s to Limit Temporary Foreign Workers

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