Kris Kolluri: Shaping the Future of Transportation

Kris Kolluri: Leading the Gateway Development Commission

Kris Kolluri is a trailblazer in infrastructure development and public service. From his humble beginnings to his current role as CEO of the Gateway Development Commission, Kolluri’s journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and visionary leadership.

Early Years and Education of Kris Kolluri

Kris Kolluri’s journey began with humble roots, shaped by his formative years and educational pursuits. Born circa 1969, Kolluri’s thirst for knowledge led him to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Management and Marketing from Rutgers University.

His academic journey continued with a Master’s degree in International Business from Johns Hopkins University, followed by a Juris Doctor degree from Georgetown University.

Early Career and Legal Expertise

Transitioning into the professional realm, Kris Kolluri honed his skills in redevelopment and transportation law as an attorney at Parker McCay of Marlton. His tenure in the legal field laid the foundation for his future endeavors and provided invaluable insights into the intricacies of infrastructure development and governance.

Public Service and Governmental Roles

Kolluri’s passion for public service led him to embark on a distinguished career in government. He served in various capacities, including Assistant Commissioner of Intergovernmental Relations at the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and Chief of Staff to New Jersey Transportation Commissioner Jack Lettiere.

In these roles, Kris Kolluri navigated complex legislative landscapes and spearheaded initiatives to enhance transportation infrastructure and public outreach.

Leadership at the NJDOT and Beyond

Kolluri’s ascent to Commissioner of the NJDOT marked a pivotal moment in his career. As head of the department, he oversaw a diverse portfolio, including NJ TRANSIT, the New Jersey Turnpike Authority, and the South Jersey Transportation Authority.

His tenure was characterized by strategic vision and a relentless commitment to driving results, culminating in landmark achievements such as the development of a funding strategy for the ARC project.

Academic and Non-Profit Leadership

Beyond his governmental roles, Kolluri’s influence extended into academia and non-profit organizations. He served as President & CEO of Camden Community Partnership, Inc., and as Chief Executive Officer of the Rowan University/Rutgers – Camden Board of Governors, where he championed economic and community development initiatives with unwavering dedication.

Legacy and Current Role

Today, Kris Kolluri serves as the CEO of the Gateway Development Commission, where he continues to shape the future of infrastructure development in the New York-New Jersey region. His visionary leadership and strategic acumen remain instrumental in navigating complex challenges and forging pathways to a more interconnected and prosperous future.

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