Indian Youth Falling Prey to Immigration Agents

Indians Victim to Illegal Immigration Agents

Indian Youth Falling Prey: Two youths from Karnal, Haryana, in India enticed with promises of permanent work visas in Germany, endured alleged torture by immigration agents after being deceitfully sent to Russia instead.

Mukesh, one of the victims, recounted how he was misled with a ticket to Bangkok instead of Germany, where torture began upon arrival. Subsequently, he was transported to Russia, where the ordeal intensified, including beatings and extortion demands.

Indian Youth Falling Prey …

Forced into making distressing video calls to his family, Mukesh described the harrowing experience of being threatened with death unless ransom money was paid.

Eventually, he and his companion were apprehended by the Army in Belarus for lacking valid travel permits, facing the ultimatum to enlist or endure a decade in jail. Upon refusal, they faced further abuse and imprisonment in Moscow.

Allegedly, hundreds of Indian youths find themselves similarly trapped in Moscow, prompting families to file complaints with Indian authorities regarding the reported mistreatment.

The case sheds light on the vulnerabilities faced by individuals seeking opportunities abroad and underscores the urgent need for robust measures to safeguard against exploitation by fraudulent agents.

As investigations proceed, authorities are urged to take decisive action to ensure justice for the victims and prevent further exploitation of vulnerable individuals by unscrupulous immigration agents.

Also Read:Indian Nationals Trafficked to Cambodia

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