Beheruz Nariman Sethna: Architect of Academic Transformation

Beheruz Nariman Sethna: A Visionary Leader's Impact on Higher Education

Beheruz Nariman Sethna: In the realm of higher education, certain individuals shine as beacons of inspiration, their stories weaving a tapestry of dedication, innovation, and profound impact.

Dr. Beheruz Nariman Sethna, born in 1948, emerges as one such luminary figure. A distinguished professor of business and the retired sixth president of the University of West Georgia (UWG), Dr. Sethna’s journey is nothing short of extraordinary.

Early Life and Education of Beheruz Nariman Sethna: A Foundation of Excellence

Dr. Sethna’s educational journey serves as a testament to his commitment to excellence. Armed with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, he distinguished himself as a Distinguished Alumnus.

His pursuit of knowledge continued with an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, where he earned another accolade as a Distinguished Alumnus.

Further, Dr. Sethna’s academic odyssey took him to Columbia University in New York, where he earned both an M.Phil. and a Ph.D. His thirst for knowledge extended to post-doctoral programs at Harvard and Indiana, solidifying his expertise.

Notably, he holds certifications as a Computer Professional and a Six Sigma Green Belt, showcasing his commitment to interdisciplinary knowledge.

Career Odyssey: From Academia to Corporate Heights

Dr. Beheruz Nariman Sethna’s professional journey reflects a blend of academic prowess and corporate acumen. With a significant tenure at Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York, and later at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, he held tenured positions and a named professorship, ascending through administrative roles with increasing responsibility.

His corporate experience in major multinational companies, both in the U.S. and overseas, added a practical dimension to his academic foundation. This unique blend of academic and corporate insights became a hallmark of Dr. Sethna’s approach.

University of West Georgia: A Transformative Leadership

Dr. \Beheruz Nariman Sethna’s impact on the University of West Georgia is nothing short of transformative. Arriving at UWG in 1994, he navigated the institution through remarkable changes, propelling it from a liberal arts college to a full-fledged university.

His tenure saw a 50 percent growth in full-time equivalent enrollment, and UWG conferred over 20 doctoral degrees in a year, including its first Ph.D.

Notable accomplishments during his presidency include elevating UWG’s reputation, creating Georgia’s first Board-approved Honors College, and establishing the Advanced Academy for exceptionally-gifted students.

His visionary leadership also secured UWG’s first endowed chair and major endowment, marking milestones in the institution’s history.

Leadership Beyond Campus: A Visionary in Action

Dr. Beheruz Nariman Sethna’s leadership extended beyond the campus borders, with active involvement in various boards and committees at state, regional, and national levels.

His role as the national chair of Asian-American Presidents at the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) exemplifies his commitment to diversity and inclusivity.

His retirement in 2013 marked the end of a 19-year presidential term, but Dr. Sethna’s commitment to education persisted. He continued as a professor of business administration at UWG, exemplifying a dedication to both teaching and scholarship.

Legacy and Recognition: A Trailblazer’s Impact

Dr. Beheruz Nariman Sethna’s legacy is imprinted in UWG’s growth, academic achievements, and the enduring impact on students. Noteworthy accomplishments during his tenure include UWG’s recognition by U.S. News & World Report, his distinction as the first person of Indian origin to become president of a U.S. university, and numerous awards recognizing his visionary leadership.

Post-Administration: Continuing the Academic Journey

Since retiring from his presidential role, Dr. Beheruz Nariman Sethna’s commitment to academia remains unwavering. As a Regents’ Professor and the “Beheruz N. Sethna Distinguished Scholar,” he continues to contribute to the academic landscape. His teaching evaluations and guidance of undergraduate research stand as testaments to his enduring impact.

Dr. Beheruz Nariman Sethna’s Journey in Numbers

  • 40 years of marriage to Madhavi Sethna
  • 38+ years of academic service at UWG
  • 33,000+ degrees awarded during his presidency
  • 290 national research presentations by his students
  • 1,930+ citations of his work in other publications

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