Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran: Advocate for Tamil Eelam and Justice

Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran: Navigating Exile to Lead the Tamil Eelam Movement

In the quest for justice and recognition, few individuals have shown the resilience and dedication of Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran. As the Prime Minister of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE), Rudrakumaran leads a relentless campaign to secure accountability for the atrocities committed against the Tamil minority in Sri Lanka and to establish a separate Tamil state, Tamil Eelam.

Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran’s life, marked by unwavering commitment to his people and expertise in international law, serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for Tamils worldwide.

Early Life and Education of Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran

Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran was born into a family that valued public service and education. His father, Rajah Viswanathan, served as the Mayor of Jaffna, instilling in Rudrakumaran a profound sense of duty towards his community. He pursued his early education at Jaffna Central College, a prestigious institution known for nurturing young minds.

Rudrakumaran’s academic journey in law began at the Sri Lanka Law College, where he earned his law degrees. Seeking to broaden his expertise, he furthered his studies at Southern Methodist University and even attended Harvard Law School for a period. These experiences equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of law, particularly in the field of immigration.

Career: From Legal Advisor to Leader

Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran’s legal career took a pivotal turn when he became the international legal advisor to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). In this role, he provided crucial support to LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran, handling international and diplomatic affairs.

Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran’s legal acumen was instrumental in coordinating the defense of individuals implicated in high-profile cases, such as the Rajiv Gandhi assassination and the Suresh Manikkavasagam trial in Canada.

One of his significant contributions was challenging the United States’ designation of the LTTE as a Foreign Terrorist Organization in 1997. Through these efforts, Rudrakumaran demonstrated a steadfast commitment to justice and due process, advocating for the rights of his people on the global stage.

Prime Minister of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam

Following the military defeat of the LTTE in 2009, Rudrakumaran’s role evolved. He became the Prime Minister of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam, an organization dedicated to achieving justice for Tamils and realizing the vision of an independent Tamil state.

Under his leadership, the TGTE has conducted referendums in seven countries—Norway, France, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom—to gauge the Tamil diaspora’s support for Tamil Eelam.

Rudrakumaran’s approach as Prime Minister is characterized by a strategic blend of legal expertise and diplomatic advocacy. He tirelessly campaigns for international recognition of the genocide and war crimes committed against Tamils, seeking to hold perpetrators accountable.

His work involves engaging with global institutions, governments, and human rights organizations to build a compelling case for Tamil self-determination.

Living in Exile, Leading with Purpose

Currently residing in New York City as a U.S. citizen, Rudrakumaran continues his advocacy from afar. His life in exile does not diminish his influence; rather, it underscores the global nature of his mission. By leveraging his position in the United States, he brings international attention to the Tamil cause, galvanizing support from the Tamil diaspora and human rights activists worldwide.

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