Shalni Arora : A Philanthropic Visionary Leading Change

Shalni Arora: Redefining Philanthropy with Purpose and Passion

Shalni Arora : In the world of philanthropy, there are individuals who stand out as beacons of hope and change, and Shalni Arora is undeniably one of them. She is not only the Chief Executive Officer of Savannah Wisdom, a private family charitable foundation, but also a dedicated investor in life science businesses.

Shalni’s remarkable journey from being a qualified accountant at Arthur Andersen to founding and successfully exiting a venture capital-backed personalized medicine biotech business, DxS Limited, is a testament to her entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to making a difference.

Shalni Arora: A Visionary Philanthropist

Shalni Arora’s philanthropic journey began after she sold the biotechnology firm she had founded in 2009. While this achievement was undoubtedly satisfying, Shalni felt an unquenchable thirst to do more for the world. Her path led her to pursue a Masters in International Development, a decision that would reshape her life and set the stage for her foray into philanthropy.

Through her experiences and learnings, Shalni realized that she wanted to establish a charitable foundation. The kind of philanthropy she envisioned was informed by her extensive career background and driven by a passion for structural change, social justice, and what she calls “disruptive philanthropy.”

The Broad Spectrum of Shalni’s Philanthropic Involvement

Savannah Wisdom is not just an ordinary foundation; it’s a platform where Shalni Arora collaborates with organizations that align with her areas of interest.

Her involvement often goes beyond financial support; she actively engages with partners, taking strategic roles and even serving as a trustee on the board of some of these organizations. Shalni believes in hands-on involvement, ensuring that the funds they provide are utilized effectively.

Shalni’s husband, Simon, is also an integral part of their philanthropic efforts. Together, they are passionate about ensuring that their financial contributions reach the right causes within the communities their stores serve through the B&M Community Fund, a part of B&M Retail Plc’s Corporate and Social Responsibility division.

Bridging the Gap: Private vs. Corporate Philanthropy

While there may be differences between corporate and private philanthropy, Shalni emphasizes that they share common ground. Both forms of philanthropy involve funding grassroots organizations and embracing the idea of providing core funding. However, Savannah Wisdom often takes an international focus, giving it the freedom to take more risks and challenge the status quo.

Savannah Wisdom’s Approach to Creating Change

Creating lasting change requires patience, meticulous planning, and a deep understanding of the issues at hand. Shalni and Savannah Wisdom exemplify this philosophy. They believe in thoroughly studying the landscape, mapping systems, and identifying key stakeholders from the outset. Effective communication and policy work are integral to their approach.

Savannah Wisdom isn’t afraid to challenge structural systems, question prevailing practices, and take an entrepreneurial approach to philanthropy. Shalni Arora stresses the importance of introspection when addressing persistent global challenges that have endured for decades.

Key Grants and Initiatives

Savannah Wisdom’s impactful work is illustrated through various grants and initiatives. One noteworthy project focused on tackling corruption in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry. Collaborating with Transparency International, Shalni’s foundation initiated a pilot project that has since grown into a global program addressing corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa’s healthcare systems.

In India, Savannah Wisdom supports organizations dedicated to legal work, particularly cases related to domestic violence and sexual abuse against women and girls. Their grants provide essential core funding to committed lawyers and organizations striving to strengthen the legal system for the most vulnerable and underprivileged.

Family Involvement and Future Generations

Shalni’s family plays an essential role in her philanthropic journey. While her two teenage daughters are currently too young to be directly involved, they are growing up in an environment that fosters social consciousness. As the next generation, they are likely to carry forward the torch of philanthropy.

Personal Rewards of Philanthropy

For Shalni Arora, philanthropy is not just a duty but a source of personal fulfillment. She finds peace and inspiration when working directly in the field, interacting with incredible individuals and organizations. She firmly believes that giving is a selfish act because it brings inner satisfaction and a sense of purpose.

Expectations from Partner Organizations

While Shalni Arora acknowledges the importance of measurable impact, she has learned to balance expectations with patience. She values honesty in reporting impact and deadlines and prioritizes building strong relationships with partner organizations. In her view, collaboration and rapport are often more critical than glossy brochures.

Key Lessons Learned

Shalni Arora has gleaned valuable lessons from her philanthropic journey. She emphasizes the importance of understanding that those working at the grassroots may not excel in budget monitoring, strategy delivery, or presentations. Moreover, she emphasizes the significance of identifying organizations genuinely committed to systemic change, as opposed to those merely focused on expansion.

Advice for Aspiring Philanthropists

To those embarking on their philanthropic journey, Shalni Arora offers sage advice. She underscores the significance of enjoying the process and taking one’s time. Research and knowledge in the chosen area of focus are crucial. Finding partners, collaborators, and networks that align with your mission is essential, as is planning for the long haul.

The Evolution of Philanthropy

Shalni Arora reflects on the evolving landscape of philanthropy in the past decade. She notes that people have become more discerning, seeking alternative ways to give as they grow more skeptical about the impact of traditional approaches. Younger generations, fueled by social media and a heightened awareness of global injustices, are becoming increasingly engaged in philanthropic endeavors.

The Future of Philanthropy

Looking ahead, Shalni Arora envisions a future where the next generation seamlessly integrates philanthropic objectives into their lifestyles. They will seek conscious companies with ethical codes, pressuring businesses and governments to adopt more responsible practices. Philanthropy, for the next generation, won’t just be about grants; it will be about reshaping the world through everyday choices.

Honouring Shalni Arora

In recognition of her exceptional contributions as an entrepreneur, humanitarian, and philanthropist, Shalni Arora was awarded the Medal of Honour by the University of Manchester. Her dedication to creating positive change, from supporting healthcare transparency to empowering women and girls, has left an indelible mark on society.

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