New Zealand : National Party’s Plan to Attract Global Students

New Zealand: National Party Pledges for global Students

In the run-up to the 2023 General Election in New Zealand, the National Party has unveiled an ambitious manifesto that promises significant benefits for international students.

At the heart of their proposal is the aim to make New Zealand a more attractive destination for overseas learners, thereby revitalizing the struggling international education sector. This not only has the potential to enhance the global appeal of New-Zealand but also to drive economic growth in the country.

New Zealand Student Visa Schemes

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, international education was New Zealand’s fifth-largest export earner, contributing a substantial $3.7 billion to the economy and providing employment to over 6,000 people.

However, due to the pandemic’s adverse impact, this sector experienced a substantial dip, contributing only $800 million in 2022. The National Party believes that by supporting international education, New Zealand can regain its economic foothold and global recognition.

The key highlights of the National Party’s plan to rejuvenate international education in NewZealand include:

1. Fast Track Visa Processing: Currently, the visa processing time for international students is taking longer than desired. The National Party intends to address this issue by introducing a priority visa processing system. This system will allow international student visa applicants to opt for expedited processing by paying an additional fee. The goal is to process these applications within two weeks, as opposed to the current target of 30 weekdays.

2. Longer Work Hours: To compete more effectively in the international education market, NewZealand aims to increase the maximum number of hours international students can work part-time while studying. The current limit is 20 hours per week, which is less favorable compared to other countries, such as Australia, where students are allowed to work up to 24 hours each week. The National Party plans to increase this limit to 24 hours, making it more competitive and financially viable for international students.

3. Expanded Work Rights for International Students and Partners: Under the National Party’s manifesto, international students and their partners will enjoy expanded work rights, particularly those holding level 7 qualifications or higher. Post-study work rights for individuals with postgraduate diplomas will be extended from one year to two years, enhancing their opportunities for gaining practical experience.

4. Diversification of Recruitment: The National Party also intends to diversify the countries from which Education NewZealand recruits international students. By broadening the pool of potential students, New-Zealand can tap into new markets and attract a more diverse range of learners.

The National Party’s proposals are aimed at not only revitalizing the international education sector but also positioning New-Zealand as a leading destination for global students. By implementing these policies, the party aims to drive economic growth, create job opportunities, and strengthen global connections, all of which will contribute to New Zealand’s future prosperity.

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