Canadians Rethinking Immigration Amid Economic Uncertainties

Canadians Divided on Immigration: Economic Concerns

A recent survey conducted by Environics reveals that 44% of Canadians believe there is too much immigration in the country, reflecting growing economic concerns. This marks a significant increase from the previous year, with a reversal of the trend of public support for immigration. However, 74% still believe that immigration is good for Canada and its economy.

This stark shift in public opinion has sent ripples across the nation. For the first time in decades, Canadians are not primarily concerned about who is immigrating into their country but rather how many are arriving. These findings stem from a comprehensive survey conducted by Environics, a renowned non-profit organization.

Canadians Economic Worries Drive Change

More than four in ten Canadians now strongly (23%) or somewhat (21%) agree with the statement, ‘there is too much immigration to Canada,’ up 17 percentage points from one year ago and the largest one-year change ever recorded on this question.

This significant change is further underscored by the fact that 51% of Canadians are satisfied with the current immigration levels. While they still outnumber those expressing concerns, the trend is clear – economic worries are reshaping the public discourse on immigration.

The New Economic Concerns

The survey also highlights that inflation, cost of living, housing affordability, and other economic issues are the main concerns for those surveyed. With inflation on the rise and the cost of living soaring, Canadians are questioning the impact of immigration on their wallets and daily lives.

This shift in public sentiment stands in stark contrast to the data from the previous year. In 2022, 69% of respondents disagreed with the idea that there was too much immigration, while only 27% agreed. The latest findings from Environics indicate a dramatic reversal of public support for immigration numbers, a trend that had been steadily rising for three decades.

Impact on Immigration Levels

These shifting perceptions are expected to have a tangible impact on immigration policy in the coming years. Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, Marc Miller, is set to announce the immigration levels shortly. With public sentiment undergoing a remarkable change, the decisions regarding future immigration numbers are likely to be heavily influenced by these shifting attitudes.

These Environics survey results are consistent with other recent polls. A Nanos survey in September found that 53% of Canadians expressed a desire for fewer immigrants.

This shift in public opinion comes after a period of record immigration, which has pushed Canada’s population over the 40 million mark. In the past year alone, the country welcomed over a million new residents, with immigration accounting for 98% of this increase.

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