Winter Intake Offers Final Entry : Positive Changes In UK-dependent Visa

UK Universities Introduce winter Intake 2023

Winter Intake Offers Final Entry : In a strategic response to the evolving landscape of international education, some UK universities are breaking away from the traditional academic calendar by introducing a winter intake for 2023. This move comes in light of recent changes in UK visa regulations that have left students, especially those from the Southern Hemisphere, seeking alternative options.

The Visa Challenge

Historically, the UK has accommodated a “second” postgraduate intake in January to alleviate pressure on popular courses such as business, management, and computer science. This January intake was particularly attractive to international students, including those from the Southern Hemisphere, who often encountered visa challenges or missed the autumn start dates.

Winter Intake Offers Final Entry & Changes In Rules

However, a significant shift is on the horizon. Starting in January 2024, the UK government will no longer allow applicants to bring family members as dependents. This rule change has prompted universities to rethink their intake strategies, leading to the emergence of a winter intake option.

The University of Law Leads the Way of Winter Intake

The University of Law (UoL) has taken the initiative by launching a new December intake for select postgraduate courses in 2023. To prepare students for this unique opportunity, an additional generic module on academic study skills has been introduced. The UoL website emphasizes that students can join this course in December 2023 to benefit from an extra module on academic and professional practice, enhancing their readiness for postgraduate study.

Ravensbourne University London’s Staggered Approach

Ravensbourne University London, known for its expertise in digital media and design, has also embraced the concept of staggered winter intake. While it continues to offer January starts, it now provides November course openings. This strategic move aims to cater to international students’ needs without compromising on quality education.

Teesside University and the London Campus

Teesside University’s London campus, located in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford, also offers a limited number of courses starting in November. Prospective international students are advised to apply using an agent in their country, ensuring a seamless transition to their desired program.

University of Bedfordshire’s November Tradition

The University of Bedfordshire has been ahead of the curve, offering a November intake since 2016. Their website showcases 45 postgraduate courses commencing in November, ranging from law and business to computing and engineering. Interestingly, the university reports that there has been no significant change in applicant behaviour related to November demand.

Meeting Student Demand

As universities adapt to changing visa policies, international students seek flexible course start dates. Private institutions like BPP and UA92 have implemented rolling admissions systems, enabling students to join every few months. This flexibility caters to the needs of students from various regions.

Past Success Stories

In the past, universities like Coventry University have successfully introduced unconventional winter intake periods. Coventry’s July intake in response to Brexit-related changes in fee status proved to be a game-changer for many EU students, allowing them to enrol ahead of significant fee hikes.

The Road Ahead

While the winter intake for 2023 is a proactive response to visa changes, it remains to be seen how students will adapt. The demand that previously focused on the September start may now shift to these smaller November and December intakes. Universities are closely monitoring application trends to gauge the impact of the new visa regulations.

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Study in UKUK ImmigrationUK winter intakeUK-dependent Visa
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