UK Raises Salary Requirements for Skilled Workers

UK Increments Minimum Wage Requirement
UK Raises Salary Requirements for Skilled Workers

UK Raises : The United Kingdom has unveiled heightened salary prerequisites for individuals intending to enter the nation via the Skilled Worker route, effective April 4, 2014.

Home Secretary James Cleverly disclosed these alterations in the House of Commons in December, emphasizing that applicants for working visas must now earn at least £38.7K, a substantial rise from the previous £26K benchmark.

UK Raises Salary..

Cleverly cited the government’s objective of reducing net annual immigration by 300K in forthcoming years, though specifics regarding a timeline were not provided.

However, individuals already on the Skilled Worker route at the time of implementation will not be affected by the salary threshold hike. This exemption encompasses those submitting new applications, such as for job transitions, visa extensions, or Indefinite Leave to Remain applications.

Additionally, occupations falling under the Health and Care visa route and those covered by national pay scales, such as teachers, will remain unaffected by the salary adjustment. Consequently, numerous occupation codes will experience substantial salary increases.

Starting April 4, 2024, newcomers entering the Skilled Worker route will witness notable changes in prevailing wage rates. These rates will shift from the 25th percentile to the median (50th percentile) for each occupation code, utilizing data from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings from 2023 instead of 2021.

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Migrant Workers UKUK Skilled WorkerUK Wage HikeWork in UK
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