UK Dependent Visa Policy Changes are Disrupting MBA Recruitment

UK Business Schools Struggle to Meet Non-EU Enrollment Targets

UK : The impact of the UK’s forthcoming visa policy changes is already rippling through the educational landscape. As revealed by The 2023 Chartered ABS Annual Membership Survey, 44% of the UK’s business schools are poised to miss their non-EU recruitment goals this year, signalling a significant transformation in visa dynamics.

UK Dependent Visa Policy :-

The survey indicates that, despite a relatively stable scenario for EU enrolments, the picture is divergent when it comes to international students. Non-EU international student enrollments showcase a spectrum of outcomes, with almost half of the schools reporting growth, 23% maintaining the status quo, and 33% facing a decline.

Particularly noteworthy is the resilience in the choice of Indian students to pursue education in the UK. Amidst variations in global enrollment trends, India stands out as a consistent source of growth for the UK’s academic institutions.

However, the recent government announcement, prohibiting overseas students from bringing family members unless pursuing postgraduate research courses is casting a shadow over the future. The survey respondents overwhelmingly anticipate negative impacts on the recruitment of international students, with a significant focus on MBA programs.

The impending ban, effective January 2024, is expected to hit MBA programs the hardest, given the demographic of older students often desiring to relocate with their families. Other post-experience programs, such as Executive Education sponsored by companies, are also predicted to face challenges due to students’ familial commitments.

In response to this impending shift, many business schools are redirecting their efforts towards growing international student numbers at the undergraduate level. Simultaneously, there is a growing sense that competitor countries like Australia and Canada are capitalizing on the UK’s decision, experiencing an upswing in their own business school enrollments.

The survey illuminates the daunting challenges business schools face in recruiting international students against the backdrop of the government’s visa policy changes. A staggering 93% of respondents anticipate adverse impacts on postgraduate course enrollments, while 84% foresee challenges for MBA programs.

Also Read :- Hungary government to relaunch ‘golden visa’ programme

Indian Students In UKStudy in UKUK Dependent Visa Policy ChangesUK's MBA Recruitment
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