Telangana to Develop Policy for Returning Migrants

Telangana Makes Policy for NRIs Return
Telangana to Develop Policy for Returning Migrants

Telangana to Develop: Telangana is poised to pioneer a comprehensive policy for the reintegration of returning migrants, a first among Indian states. Collaborating with the International Labour Organisation, International Organisation for Migration, and UN Women, the state’s labour department plans to establish a resource centre facilitating the reintegration and employment of migrants.

This initiative aligns Telangana with countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal, which have successfully implemented similar strategies in South Asia, a region characterized by a substantial number of migrant workers, particularly to Gulf countries.

Telangana to Develop New

In a recent meeting involving stakeholders, including KPMG, discussions revolved around creating a robust support system for returning migrants.

Recognizing the challenge posed by a lack of accurate migrant data, plans include establishing a consolidated database to comprehend their socio-economic profiles, enabling the formulation of effective reintegration strategies.

The labour department has already initiated two resource centres at the mandal level, aiding returning migrants in accessing documents, government benefits, and training programs.

Telangana’s migrants, often employed as electricians, plumbers, labourers, and domestic workers, face vulnerabilities, with women migrants particularly susceptible to exploitation.

By prioritizing reintegration and support, Telangana aims to alleviate the difficulties faced by returning migrants, ensuring they have essential support networks and channels for reporting grievances in their destination countries.

This holistic policy reflects the state’s commitment to the welfare of its returning workforce.

Also Read: Migration Boosts German Population

NRI IndiaNRI Return PolicyTelangana NRITelangana Returning NRI
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