EU Hikes Schengen Visa Costs

Schengen Visa Price Hike

EU Hikes: The European Commission has announced an increase in Schengen visa fees starting June 11, 2024. This change, confirmed by Slovenia’s Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, will see adult visa fees rise to €90.

Additionally, fees for children aged six to twelve will go up to €45. Countries that do not cooperate with the EU on the readmission of irregularly staying citizens may face even higher fees, ranging from to €180.

EU Hikes…

This adjustment comes after the European Union conducted its scheduled review of visa fees in December 2023, a process mandated by the Schengen Visa Code to occur every three years.

The EU has cited inflation and the rising salaries of civil servants as primary reasons for the increase. The last fee hike took place in February 2020, when the cost for an adult visa was raised from €60 to €80.

The decision has not been well received by all. Turkish citizens, in particular, have expressed dissatisfaction as they await the prospect of a visa-free agreement with the EU.

Despite this setback, the demand for Schengen visas remains high. In 2023, the Schengen Area received over 10M short-stay visa applications, reflecting an increase from 2022.

However, this number is still below the pre-pandemic peak of 17M applications, indicating a slow recovery from the pandemic’s impact on travel.

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Europe Visa Price HikeEuropean VisaSchengen VisaSchengen Visa Price
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