Canada Alters Post-Graduation Work Permit Rules

Canada Changes Rules in Work Permit
Canada Alters Post-Graduation Work Permit Rules

Canada Alters: The Government of Canada has introduced significant changes to the post-graduation work permit program, aiming to enhance opportunities for international students.

Effective September 1, 2024, graduates of master’s degree programs, even if completed in under two years, will now be eligible for a three-year PGWP, provided they meet all other eligibility requirements.

Canada Alters New..

This extension offers flexibility to students amidst ongoing uncertainties due to the pandemic. PGWP holders enjoy the freedom to work anywhere in Canada for any employer without restrictions on working hours.

The duration of a PGWP depends on various factors, including the level and duration of the study program, as well as the expiry date of the applicant’s passport, whichever comes first.

Graduates from programs lasting at least two years at PGWP-eligible designated learning institutions are eligible for a three-year PGWP. Similarly, graduates of master’s degree programs lasting less than two years are also eligible for the same duration of PGWP.

Importantly, applicants can work in Canada while awaiting the processing of their PGWP, provided they submitted their application before the expiry of their student permit.

There’s a 180-day window within which applicants must apply for their PGWP from the date of completing their study program.

These changes reflect Canada’s commitment to attracting and retaining talented international students, facilitating their transition into the Canadian workforce, and contributing to the country’s economic growth and diversity.

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Canada Work PermitCanada Work Permit ChangesCanadian ImmigrationNRI Canada
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