Ro Khanna Calls Out Rahul Gandhi’s Team for Assault on Reporter Rohit Sharma

Ro Khanna Criticizes Gandhi’s Team Over Assault on India Today Journalist in Dallas

In a powerful statement, Indian-American Congressman Ro Khanna voiced his support for India Today journalist Rohit Sharma, who recently alleged he was assaulted by members of Rahul Gandhi’s team during Gandhi’s visit to Dallas, Texas. The incident, which occurred on the sidelines of the Indian politician’s U.S. tour, has sparked conversations about press freedom and ethical behavior.

The altercation unfolded at DFW International Airport ahead of Gandhi’s arrival, where Sharma was scheduled to cover the event for India Today. In a detailed account shared with the media, Sharma explained how a member of Gandhi’s advance team confiscated his phone and physically pushed him after he asked a sensitive question regarding the persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh. The aggressive response to this line of questioning quickly escalated, leading to the deletion of Sharma’s recordings.

Ro Khanna’s Statement

Congressman Ro Khanna, a prominent Indian-American leader representing California’s 17th congressional district, condemned the incident. Taking to X (formerly Twitter), Ro Khanna expressed his unequivocal support for Sharma and criticized the behavior of Gandhi’s team, which he described as an infringement on the freedom of the press.

“I stand with @DcWalaDesi and am unequivocal in my support for the 1st Amendment,” Khanna wrote, referencing Sharma’s social media handle. “He is a fair journalist. It’s unethical and a betrayal of free speech for handlers to have snatched his phone, shoved him, and deleted his recordings.”

Khanna’s public backing of Sharma emphasizes his commitment to press freedom and the protection of journalists, especially in a democracy where transparency and accountability are paramount. As a Congressman known for advocating civil liberties and open discourse, Khanna’s remarks carry significant weight in both the U.S. and Indian political spheres.

The incident occurred during Sharma’s interview with Sam Pitroda, the chairperson of the Indian Overseas Congress (IOC). Sharma posed several questions to Pitroda, including one about whether Rahul Gandhi would address the plight of Hindus being attacked in Bangladesh in his discussions with U.S. lawmakers. It was this query that allegedly prompted a member of Gandhi’s team to react aggressively, shouting, “Band karo! Band karo!”—”Stop it! Stop the interview!”—before forcibly ending the interaction.

Following the altercation, Pitroda personally called Sharma to apologize for the misconduct and promised to launch an internal investigation. While Pitroda’s apology has been acknowledged, Sharma’s account has stirred discussions about the treatment of journalists and their right to ask difficult questions without fear of retaliation.

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